Cementation Anxiety is an alias of New Jersey-based experimental musician and producer Kyle Nelson. His releases have been popping up all over my feed due to his recent collaborations with Nouvelle Gaze, Black Artifact, Trust Collective, Somatic, Amulet of Tears, and many more. "Agnosiareign" is his most recent project, beautifully released by Black Artifact, consisting of nine compositions that inhabit the blurry and often fluid zone between ambient and drone. Agnosia is a neurological condition where a person cannot recognise objects, sounds, smells, shapes, or people, despite normal sensory function. The album sounds like a soundtrack to the empty corridors of the psyche of a mental asylum patient—often calm and tranquil, but sometimes weathered by storms of anxiety and uncertainty.
There's tapes and CDs on label's Bandcamp here. You can stream the album down below.