Wednesday 17 May 2023

Mater Suspiria Vision - Space Necronomicon (The Vogue Witch Remixes)

Released as a limited bundle with an artbook, the CDR version of "Space Necronomicon (The Vogue Witch Remixes)" comes with five bonus tracks in comparison with its digital counterpart. This set, both when it comes to its packaging and the audio part, takes me back to 2010, like an AI-enhanced modern blast from the past. The book itself is so trippy, not sure what commands CDX was feeding to the software that generated those images, but the feel of the artworks nails the DIY occult collage scene of the late 00s and early 10s. I totally loved the original Space Necronomicon book with its sci-fi take on witchy visuals, but also really appreciate this more classic WH throwback. Sound wise, the album feels like a wholesome cross-section of all MSV styles over the years, from psychedelic chants and minimal beats, to droney synths and mummy trance. "Geisterinsel im Weltall (Vogue Witches 2010 Mix)" feels like it was lifted from one of their early albums, love it. Overall the Space Church remix may be my most fav here, a dark ambient minimal spooky opera. The book+CDR set unfortunately sold out, but you can grab the digital version here.