Monday 13 May 2024

Pharmacist - Kill Everyone Now

After a string of digital singles, a compilation tape and my personal EP of the year, Pharmacist has unleashed his debut album a couple of weeks ago via his newly minted Yearning label. "Kill Everyone Now" consists of 15 tracks (four exclusive to the CD version) that continue Collin's incredible, genre-pushing streak. His music distills traces of bewitching downergaze ("Fluorine" and "Hypothermia"), desolate soundscapes ("Crusade" and "Black Day") and minimal synth ("Filth") into a witch-house ectoplasm that will slowly seep from your speakers. Add to that the bittersweet and hypnotising crooning that makes Pharmacist's style so unique, and the result is nothing short of extraordinary. "If You Get Lost on the Way" will probably end up being my fav track of the year. Support!

Buy the CD here, and stream the whole album below.