Sunday 22 September 2024

Old Amica - F​ö​r Alltid

Old Amica's new LP "För Alltid" has been a special guest on my phone for many weeks now (it was released on August 9th via band's Bandcamp), but I never got around to sitting down and sharing my thoughts about it. The lead single, "Tiden far" dropped a while ago and I've loved it to bits. The record is inspired by the themes of time, fleeting moments, and fading memories. While their previous album "Fyr" evoked a sense of post-rock/ambient dreaminess, with nods to Sigur Rós or Foxes In Fiction, "För Alltid" drifts even further into earthy, minimal, and sublime ambient-drone territories. Blending deliacte electroacoustic experiments with field recordings, this record is like a warm, reassuring hug on a cold autumn day. Check out "Klorofyll" or "Tiden Far" to get a taste of this. The closing track "Till dig" gives me chills with its low tempo grandeur. Incredible record from start to finish. Now released on tape via Le Mont Analogue / Dronarivm.

Get the tapes here, or digital directly from the band here. Stream the album in full below.