Saturday 21 January 2023

209 Sins - Seance At Funeral Home

On the back of the EP released just a week ago, the grim reaper 209 Sins returns with "SE▲NCE ▲T ▲FUNER▲L HOME ▼" consisting of 5 hellish tracks. The titular one is a minimal trap joint that could work as a eerie dark ambient soundscape when stripped of the fast-paced drums. Love it. "Funerary X Perscriptions" is another one I really dig - doom-hop collab with Mortuary Grimm that sounds like something between SALEM and early 36Mafia. Out of the two dragwave edits, "The Next Witch's Curse" wins the top spot, there's something about it that takes me back to 2011/12 era of WH. Really solid stuff.

Support and buy here, stream below.